Compass Travelers: Kasey & Calvin

Oct 26, 20212 min


How can you take action with your community and passions while having FUN with it!?

Well, RD knows all about this! He organizes events to inspire, motivate, and participate in FUN with a community.

RD & His Inner Compass:

RD did not have a conscious awareness of his "Inner Compass" until he was 22. He grew up in a small town in Maryland and originally was told that the only way to life is the "traditional way". UNTIL, his reality POPPED!

When RD started to journal and figure out WHO HE WAS, his true values of life appeared!

From this, it led him on an adventure. He was a DJ, Life Coach, Social media marketer, and Event Planner.

At the end of the day RD feels that taking action toward something you enjoy is the most important. As he says, "There is more to life than one thing". He also puts an emphasis on BALANCE of work and fun in your life at all times.

He believes that having an array of passions is SUPER IMPORTANT! He loves to explore and act on different passions to see where the path takes him! He believes there are many paths to your right path and in order to FIGURE it out you have to explore all the options.

RD is the master at being multi-passionate and exploring all parts of his personality and interests.

He says, "I try new passions for 2 weeks to see if I want to continue down the path or if it is not working".

RD & His Message:

RD's message is to lead with LOVE, FUN and IMPACT! He believes that live events is the way to bring together that connection and community. He believes we are supposed to support each other and learn about others in life.

COVID-19 made his love from in person events become even more aware. He loves to combine online communication and in-person communication to bring connection, fun and purpose to life.

RD's Fear & How He Got Over It:

One of RD's most consuming fear is the fear of not "fully reaching my human potential".

RD is a go-getter and always wants to take action when it feels aligned. He wants to bring that action and bravery into areas he enjoys to try. RD wants to act on passions and be able to say YES confidently but also be able to have boundaries to say NO to things he doesn't feel aligned with. He believes NO is just as powerful in order to avoid the pattern of people pleasing. As many others feel, he is learning the importance of saying no, enjoying alone time, and enjoying only acting on things that ALIGN with him 100%. Having these healthy boundaries, expressing gratitude for the things he aligns with, eliminating comparison, and keeping things FUN has been the solution to his fear.

What Keeps RD Inspired?

RD gets inspired by other like minded people that can be vulnerably themselves and share their excitement for their passions! He gets pumped up and amped when he is around others that share his love for life!

Want to see more of RD? Check him out here:

He is always there to help people interested in events, life coaching, and people wanting to bring more FUN into their life!
